Kantimay Das Gupta
Department of Physics
IIT Bombay
Lecture Notes for EP426 : Physics of Quantum Devices
Lecture Notes for PH409 : Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics
Lecture Notes for PH108 : Basics of Electricity and Magnetism       A very brief introduction to Special Theory of Relativity
Lecture Notes for EP431 : Semiconductor Physics     Problem Set 1   Problem Set 2   Problem Set 3   Problem Set 4
Lecture Notes for EP411/PH517 : Analytical Methods    Thermal Averaging, Debye-Waller factor, Bloch identity :Problem Sets and Question Papers
Lecture Notes for PH444 : Electromagnetic Theory
Here is some funstuff....
We fiddled for sometime with coupled oscillators in the lab. The video here was prepared by Aditya Jain, Nijil Lal and Nilaj Chakrabarty ( Dept of Physics, IIT Bombay)
The wmv file is 104Mb in size (may take some time to download)
Here is a paper we wrote about it : Chaos 27, 013115 (2017)
Link to the video of oscillators synchronizing (Long)
Link to the video of oscillators synchronizing (Short)
A levitron is a magnetically levitated spinning top that is "quasi" stable as long as the rotation can be sustained. Stable levitation cannot be obtained with ferro or paramagnets alone. Here are couple of things I did a few years back...the desk in the background is my desk at Cavendish Laboratory's Semiconductor Physics group. It hasn't got anything to do with what I was working on, though!
Levitron in air     (.mov file, 22 Mb)
Levitron in vacuum   (.mov file 64 Mb)