
Hi. I'm S. Durga.

I am a PhD Student in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Bombay, under the guidance of Prof. Ganesh Ramakrishnan and Prof. Rishabh Iyer

My research focuses on identifying techniques to achieve machine learning in resource-constrained settings. Large data requirements by the state of the art techniques pose challenges such as increased training complexity and cost, difficulty in hyper-parameters tuning etc. Further, supervised tasks require these datasets to be labelled, while often the available data is not and labelling them is either not feasible or too expensive.


CORDS: COResets and Data Subset selection and DISTIL: Deep dIverSified inTeractIve Learning were developed as part of DECILE: Data efficient Machine Learning toolkit.


Techniques focusing data subset selection for efficiency and active learning such as GLISTER, GRADMATCH and SELCON were published in top tier conferences.


Have been a teaching assistant for the courses such as CS337 (2020 & 2021) and CS769.

Taught Data Structures at course Manipal University Jaipur.


June - Sep, 2021 I was a Research Intern at Google Research, Bengaluru
Nov, 2020 I have been awarded Prime Minister Research Fellowship (PMRF). Thanks :)

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