Fluid-structure interaction, computational fluid dynamics, vortex induced vibrations, galloping, flow induced deformations, Immersed Boundary Methods, energy harvesting using VIV, linear acoustics, structural acoustics, acoustic measurements, acoustic impedance tube.
Interfacial Flow and Fluid Structure Interaction Lab
Thesis Supervisor : Prof. Rajneesh Bhardwaj
I am currently working in the field of Fluid Structure Interaction under the guidance of Prof. Rajneesh Bhardwaj. My research primariy focuses on development of in-house code and numerical investigations in the field of flow-induced vibration (FIV). I am currently studying the impact of structure geometry on FIV and its potential applications in the field of thermal augmentation and energy harvesting.
I, Gaurav Sharma, am a Ph.D. research scholar in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. I am currently working in the field of Fluid Structure Interaction under the guidance of Prof. Rajneesh Bhardwaj. My research primariy focuses on development of in-house code and numerical investigations in the field of flow-induced vibrations. I am also looking into the potential appications of the flow-induced vibrations in the field of thermal augmentation and energy harvesting. Additionally, I am also involved in the management of Lab Cluster(computational facility) management.
I have completed my M.S.(by research) from Indian Institute of Technology(IIT) Mandi with specialization in Vibrations and Acoustics. My thesis "Analytical Solutions and Experiments in Wave Propagation Problems" has been completed under the guidance of Dr.Arpan Gupta. A modified Laplace Transform approach has been explored to investigate the wave propagation/vibraion response of a stretched string. The method capabilites have been extended upto vibration response of string in the presence of a continuously moving impulse load. A Dirac Delta functions approximation is proposed to analyze acoustic wave propagation through panel. Finally, a one-dimesional acoustic transmission line has been constructed to experimentally measure the strength of Dirac Delta function for various test materials. For this purpose, a Two Microphone Impedance Tube experimental setup is designed and constructed. A statistical study has been performed to minimize errors in measurement. I have worked with my supervisor and three colleagues on the acoustic response of a newly constructed lecture auditorium.
I have worked as a Graduate Engineer Trainee in HeroMoto Corp Neemrana Plant, also called garden factory, for a brief one year(2015-2016). I was in the Machine Shop, Production department responsible for machining the engine components: cylinder block, cranks case and crack shaft. My primary responsibilities included shift production management and line impeovements. I also recieved various trainings like FMEA(Failure Mode an Effect Analysis), Structured Problem Solving, 5S and Time Management.
I pursued graduation in Mechanical Engineering form National Institute of Tehnology(NIT) Hamirpur(2011-2015). I was involed in various technical activities like Wolfgang Spider, wooden crossbow, contraptions during various competitions organized during the annula technical festival of NITH, NIMBUS. I was also provided an opportunity to teach the underpreviledged children by Literacy Mission NITH alongwith the annual fundraiser event PRAYAS. I have worked in the Departmental Technical Society, SOME upto Joint Secratary post. I have successfully organized various events, like Engineer of the Year and Stress Capacitor; and workshops teaching various CAD softwares.
The changle in flow characteristics with change in shape of bluff body are studied using drag, lift, Strouhal number alongwith vortex formation length, vortex strength, separation point, wake patterns and DMD characteristics. A continuous variation of cylinders across the circular, D-section, inverted D-section and vertical plate cross-sections is analyzed and additional emperical relations are provided for prediction of flow parameters. A new quantitative measure for bluffness is also defined.
The effect of frontbody and afterbody on Flow-Induced Vibration response of elastically mounted bluff bodies has been investigated. A circular cylinder to D-section to inverted C-section are considered for frontbody variation. Similarly, circular section to inverted D-section to C-section have been considered for decreasing afterbody. A decreasing frontbody is observed to increase FIV (VIV + galloping) and reducing afterbody is observed to suppress FIV. Concept of modified Strouhal number is also introduced.
Investigations have been performed on the flexible body flow induced deformations for a closed channel flow. A fixed circular cylinder, of diameter D, with an attached flexible splitter plate, of lendth 3.5D on the rear side is placed in a channed flow of width 4.0D. A developed flow is fed to the cylinder and elastic coefficient is modified to identify the dependency of structural natural frequency on the FID amplitude.
An additional circulation is induced in the flow past bluff body, due to vortex formations. The Flow Induced Vibrations(FIV) induced these vortices in a much wider region without causing severe pressure drops in the flow. This additional circulation has a potential to increase the heat transfer coefficient, measured usung Nusselt number(Nu). The potential is explored using a D Section cross-section placed inside a closed channel flow and considerable improvement in Nu is observed.
Another constructive utilization of Flow Induced Vibration(FIV) is its potential for energy harvesting. The FIV energy harvesters are compact in design and have much less moving parts, eliminating logistic and maintenance limitations posed by other types of energy harvesters. My current research utilizes the comstant damping, electromagetics and piezoelectric energy harvesting models to investigate the energy harvesting output of various FIV systems.
A generalized exact analytical solution to vibrations response of a stretched string is investigated usign a modified Laplace Transform approach. The method is extended for investigating the vibration of a string loaded with a continuously moving impulse loading snd verified for various boundary conditions. The method is found to be a better alternative to the conventional discrete and spectral methods.
As a part of my M.S. thesis work, I have designed and fabricated a Two-microphone Impedance Tube experimental setup. The tube, being made of mild steel, is less accurate than the conventional impedance tube and requires repeated set of reading on the same setup. The median average of the reflection coefficient is used to calculate the acoustic impedance. The primary components include a 6" speaker cone and quater inch pressure field microphones.