Swapnil Ahire

PhD student
Dept. of Aerospace Engineering
IIT Bombay
Email: swapnilahire15[at]iitb.ac.in

Swapnil Ahire is a PhD student at Department of Aerospace Engineering at the IIT Bombay. He holds a M.Tech (2019) in Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics from the Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology , India and a B.E in Mechanical Engineering (2016) from the Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune. Before PhD pogram, he worked as Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in Department of Ocean Engg and Naval Architecture at IIT Kharagpur.

His primary research interests include solving complex fluid flow problems with Computational Fluid Dynamics. He is currently working under supervision of Prof. Avijit Chaterjee on supersonic jet screech with an in-house and commercial tools such as ANSYS. He has worked on open-source code Incompact3d for M.Tech project to study unsteady flow in diverging channel ( Thesis). He also presented M.Tech research in International Heat and Mass Transfer Conference (IHMTC) in 2019 at IIT Roorkee ( paper) .



Research Scholar lab,
Aerospace Annexe,
IIT Bombay,
Mumbai, India