Omkar V Tuppe

Hostel 18, IIT Bombay, Maharashtra, India 400076

About Me

Research Area -

Other things -


Ph.D. Computer Science 2019-present
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Pawai
Advisors: Prof. Krishna S, Prof. Ashutosh Gupta

B.E. Computer Science 2018
Walchand Institute of Technology, Solapur University


Stateless Model Checking for Causal Consistency
with Parosh Abdulla, Mohamed Faouzi Atig, Krishna S, Ashutosh Gupta
29th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2023)
Visit here.

On-The-Fly Static Analysis via Dynamic Bidirected Dyck Reachability
with Krishna S , Aniket Lal, Andreas Pavlogiannis
to appear in 51st ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2024)
Visit here


Optimal Stateless Model Checking of Transactional Programs under Causal Consistency
with Parosh Abdulla, Mohamed Faouzi Atig, Krishna S, Ashutosh Gupta
Visit here.


Ph.D. Projects

Optimal Stateless Model Checking of Transactional Programs
Design a stateless model-checking algorithm for transactional programs under weaker consistency models. Implemented the algorithm in the tool Tranchecker.

Optimal Stateless Model Checking for Causal Consistency
Design a stateless model-checking algorithm for programs under causal consistency. Implemented the algorithm in the tool Conschecker.

Dynamic Bidirected Dyck Reachability
Design and implement the Dyck Reachability algorithm for Bidirected Dyck graphs.

B.E. Project
Title: College Enquiry Chat Bot
Developed a chatterbot for inquiries about college. The application will be useful for students.

Mini Project during B.E
Title: Remind Me- A smart Android App
The app provides alerts to the user at the time set for the scheduled task.

Course Project during Ph.D
Title: Curriculum learning - a new approach to Machine Learning
Training the ML model using traditional learning models and by following Curriculum based approach. Here, the model first learns simple data and incrementally goes on learning complex data, just like our school/college curriculum.


May-July 2022
Uppsala University, Sweden
Supervisors: Prof. Parosh Abdulla, Prof. Mohamed Faouzi Atig
Topic: Stateles Model Checking for SC.

April-June 2023
Uppsala University, Sweden
Supervisors: Prof. Parosh Abdulla, Prof. Mohamed Faouzi Atig
Topic: Algorithmic Program Verification.

Teaching Assistantship

Logics for CS (Spring 2020, Autumn 2020)
Automata Theory M (Autumn 2021)
Analysis of Concurrent Programs (Spring 2021, 2022, 2023)
Automated Reasoning (Autumn 2022)


Subjects: Data Structures and Algorithms, Logics in CS, Theory of Computation
Languages Use: C, C++, Python
Languages Know: Java, HTML, CSS Learning: Rust, Ocaml

Attended Events

TACAS 2023
ARCS 2023