Details of the Course

Principles of project management have been developed in great details for various engineering and software projects. In the development scene, countries as well as multilateral funding agencies have been using the `Logical Framework Analysis' for objective-oriented planning.
The TD608 course will introduce the students to basic principles of program and project design, management and analysis for developmental projects. Every developmental project is unique in terms of the issues, stakeholders, fincancing, recoverables, deliverables, sustainability and success.
This course gives insight into how a development project is conceived, planned and executed. Project may be designed by any governmental agency or an NGO or the PRI and it is necessary that project takes into consideration the social fabric, the risk involved, the capacity building exercise, the dissemination program, the monitoring mechanism, the funding and flow of finance, the analysis during and after the closure of project for successful implementation.
The topics that will be covered in the course include: Overview of Project Management, Project Design, Project Planning and Scheduling, Project Monitoring, Control, Analysis and Appraisal and Closure & Dissemination. As TD 608 is a Core Course for M.Tech.(T&D) of CTARA, emphasis would be on developmental projects while drawing heavily from the advances in the field of `Business Project Management'. Various tools including Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), Gantt charts, CPM & PERT, Social Cost Benefit Analysis, and the `OpenProj' or `Open Workbench' software tool will be introduced for project scheduling and management.