Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Nanostructures Engineering and MOdeling (NEMO) Laboratory

At NEMO Lab, we are engaged in mulifaceted research. We utilize both experimental as well as theoretical approach in understanding various aspects of materials and metastructures. Further details on our ongoing projects is provided in the Research section.

Recent News

Dec 4-7, 2023

International Conference on Water Technologies ICWT - 2023

International Conference on Water Technologies ICWT - 2023 conducted by WICTRE, IIT Bombay here.

July 21, 2023

G20 Summit at Coimbatore

Prof. Shobha Shukla addresing the G20 S20 delegates at G20 - S20 summit held at coimbatore. here.

August 25-26, 2023


Prof. Shobha Shukla delivering Keynote lecture during ICFMMP - 2023 at LPU. here

Karthik recieves Royal Society of Chemistry Best paper and best oral award

Mr Karthik Kiran revieving best paper and best oral award by the Royal Society of Chemistry at the Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science conference ACES 2020. Read it here

Sweta gets awarded on OSKAR night

Ms Sweta Rani recieving the Oskar for Thermo Fisher Scientific Best CPI award of IIT B - Monash Research Academy. Read it here

Abhishek recieves Best Poster Presentation award

Mr Abhishek Pandey revieving best poster presentation award at the Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science conference ACES 2020. Read it here