
Reviewer for more than 40 journals

Advances in Water Resources;

Aerosol and Air Quality Research;

Australian Research Council;

Chaos, Solitons & Fractals;

Chemosphere; Climatic Change;

Computers & Geosciences;

Earth Surface Processes & Landforms;

Ecology and Society;

Environmental Modelling & Software;

European Environment Agency;

Geological Society of America Paper Series;

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta;

Geophysical Research Letters;

Geoscience Letters;

Hong Kong Research Grants Council;

Hong Kong University Grants Committee;

Hydrological Processes;

Hydrological Sciences Journal;

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences;

International Journal of Climatology;

International Journal of Systems Science;

International Journal of Water Resources Development;

Iranian Journal of Science and Technology;

Journal of Climate;

Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres;

Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth;

Journal of Hydraulic Engineering;

Journal of Hydro-environment Research;

Journal of Hydroinformatics;

Journal of Hydrologic Engineering;

Journal of Hydrology;

Journal of Hydrometeorology;

Journal of River Basin Management;

Journal of the American Water Resources Association;

National Science Foundation (USA);

Nonlinear Dynamics;

Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics;

Science of the Total Environment;

Scientia Iranica;

Soft Computing;

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment;

Water Research;

Water Resources Management;

Water Resources Research