At Advanced Manufacturing Processes Lab, we focus on novel manufacturing techniques and manufacturing processes improvement towards light-weighting, part quality improvement, productivity enhancement and sustainability. The current thrust areas are thermo-mechanical processing, laser based techniques and electro-chemical methods. Some of the particular processes pursued are friction stir welding, rotary friction welding, additive manufacturing, incremental sheet metal forming, laser surface modification, magnetic pulse welding and nanotube fabrication. These processes and processed materials are analysed experimentally and numerically, to study the process dynamics, to improve process control and to develop the microstructure-property relationships for the materials.
Professor Amber Shrivastava is assistant professor with mechanical engineering department at IIT Bombay. Previously Prof. Shrivastava worked at Corporate Technology Centre of A O Smith at Milwaukee, USA. Dr. Shrivastava received his PhD in mechanical engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He received M.S. in mechanical engineering from Idaho State University. He graduated with Bachelor’s in Marine Engineering from Marine Engineering and Research Institute, Kolkata. Thereafter, he worked as a licensed marine engineer. His current research interests lie in the areas of joining and additive technologies like, friction stir welding, magnetic pulse welding, joining of dissimilar materials, laser metal sintering, manufacturing process automation and sustainable manufacturing.