Pradeep Sarin
Department of Physics

Consider the postage stamp, it's usefulness consists in sticking to one thing till it gets there.


If you would like to schedule a meeting with me, please see my calendar to find out when I am available. Send me an email the evening before of the day you would like to meet

Some tips for all students who plan to work with me

On writing and presentation of results

Instrumentation for Particle Physics

Basic concepts

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A/B (NIM A/B) is the premier journal devoted to detectors and instrumentation in particle physics. This special issue consists of review articles of advanced detector and instrumentation technologies with a view towards future upgrades.

Our group focuses on wide bandgap semiconductor detectors. So please read up on (a) wide bandgap semiconductors (b) radiation detectors and (c) radiation before coming to see me to discuss a research project
Though you will see from the list of past students' work below that we often take up projects for their general coolness factor.

[MUST READ] Lecture Notes by Helmuth Spieler on Design of readout electronics:

  • Analog and digital design
  • Timing considerations.
  • See also Helmuth Spieler's homepage with many other tutorials.
  • An expanded version of the lecture notes has been published in e-book format Semiconductor Detector Systems by Oxford University Press (2007). It is available through the IIT-B central library. Chapter 9 of the e-book is especially usefully once you start building things in the lab.
  • Semiconductor radiation detectors: device physics by Gerhard Lutz (Springer 1999) is another good book on the intrinsic detector response of semiconductors. Paper copies are available for issue in the IITB central library.

Good practices in Electronics Design and Circuit fabrication

Discrete large components are so old-school! Give in to the fact that you will have to work with SMD components. Here are a couple of video tutorials on soldering SMD PCB's:

  • video 1
  • video 2 (this site also has tips on good basic soldering practice)

Here are some guidelines for good PCB design.

Advanced topics on stray effects, capacitive loading from PCB traces and such

Advanced topics in RF and high frequency PCB design

Some fun:

Upcoming events:

A list of upcoming scientific conferences and summer/winter schools can be found here (Physics) and here (Silicon detectors)

Resources for Learning Physics

This section does not endorse any particular resource. I have listed a few places where you can get a good, reliable basic education in Physics. Apart from attending classes and solving exam problems, that is!
  • The Theoretical Minimum A course taught at Stanford University by Leonard Susskind. Covers all areas of Physics. Video lectures are available. The corresponding e-book has problems that are insightful. IIT-B students would initially scoff at the (apparently) low level of problems. But try them out and see!
Note that Khan academy lectures are not considered for inclusion in the above list.

I have had the good fortune of working with some exceptionally gifted students. This is a list of my students and research assistants, past and present:

Project Assistants

Researh Assistant Tether Year Now at
Shubham Tanwar 2018-19 IBEC, Barcelona, Spain


PhD Tether Year Now at
Pankaj Chetry (IITB-Monash) current
Sonia Sarkar (co-guided in CRNTS with Prof. Kasturi Saha (EE)) current
Anuj Bhatla (co-guided in CRNTS with Prof. Kasturi Saha (EE)) current
Rupa Jeena (Prime Minister's Research Fellow) current
Elizabeth George current
Kousik Naskar current

MSc Theses Tether Year Now at
Akhil Premkumar
"Silicon detector test bench using the Beetle ASIC"
Winner of IIT Bombay B. Gandhi Memorial award for best Master's thesis - 2017
2017 UC San Diego
Nitish Nayak
"Low noise ultrafast readout electronics for detector systems"
2016 UC Irvine
Abhirup Chaudhuri,
"Design of linear particle accelerators"
Winner of IIT Bombay B. Gandhi Memorial award for best Master's thesis - 2011
2011 VECC, Kolkata

M.Tech - Dual degree program in Nanoscience Tether Year Now at
Pradumn Kumar,
"Measurement of radiation pressure from a laser beam"
2021 Jaguar Landrover ML group
Ruturaj Apte,
"Characterization of charge carrier properties in single crystal diamond"
2015 Rutgers
Prithika Vageeswaran,
Development of diamond detectors for radiation hard environments
2014 Deutche Bank AG
Sakshi Jain,
"Algorithms for jet finding in high energy particle collisions at the LHC"
2012 U.C. Berkeley⇒Apple⇒LinkedIn


Senior BTech Project Tether Year Now at
Thariq Shanawas (EE) co-guided with Prof. Kasturi Saha (EE)
"Microstrip RF antenna design for magnetic field excitation of NV centers in diamond"
2018 UC Boulder
Anchal Gupta
"Characterization of charge carrier properties in diamond detectors"
2016 Caltech
Harsh Kabra
Trigger systems for the electronic readout of particle detectors
Sreesh V.
"Characterization of noise in electronic systems"
2016 Okinawa?
Adwait Dongare
"Low noise High speed readout system for a diamond radiation detector"
2014 CMU (ECE)
Chaitali Joshi, (co-supervised with Prof. Swaroop Ganguly, EE)
"Density Functional Theory calculations of the effect of silver nanoclusters on the refractive index of photo-voltaic materials"
2013 Cornell (Applied Physics)⇒Columbia
Mukund Madhav,
"Jet-track correlations in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions in the CMS detector at LHC".
2012 MIT (PhD)⇒Broad Institute
Aditya Pathak,
"High pT Drell-Yann processes in the CMS detector at LHC "
2011 MIT (PhD)⇒TU Viennna (postdoc)
Abhirup Nath,
"Semiconductor particle detectors for the ALICE Forward Calorimeter"
2011 Microsoft Research⇒Serial entrepreneur(most recently Feynman.AI)

Junior year Seminar Tether Year Now at
Shruti Shyam
Semiconductor detector design and fabrication
2016 ETH Zurich
Aditi Udupa
Fast readout of a scintillator detector using Silicon photodiodes
2014 UIUC (EE)
Chaitali Joshi
"Solid-state scintillator detector based on fast electronics"
2012 Cornell(Applied Physics)
Paritosh Meihar
"Solid-state scintillator detector based on fast electronics"
Anvay Upadhye
"Solid-state scintillator detector based on fast electronics"
2011 Osaka University, 2012
Sukhdeep Singh,
"Semiconductor particle detectors"
Mishel George,
"Semiconductor Particle detectors"
Harish Ramadas,
"Experimental aspects of gravitational wave detection"
2009 Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics

Other Research projects Tether Year Now at
Analog Design gang 2016-17.
Yashvi Sharma, Vedant Basu, Shobhna Misra, Tariq Shahnawas (EE), Chaitanya Tuckley
Futzing around with low noise GHz bandwidth analog circuits
Saurabh Mogre, Niladri Chatterjee
Ultra low noise semiconductor detectors
2012 - 13 Summer 2013 intern at Tsukuba Univ. Japan Saurabh now at UC San Diego (biophysics); Niladri at UC Berkeley Physics (CS)

Department of Physics,
IIT Bombay
Powai, Mumbai 400 076
Tel: +91-22-25767591
Fax: +91-22-25767552
Email: pradeepsarin[at]

My calendar